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When to Replace Locks

At some point in time, locks should be swapped out with new ones, but you might not be sure when this is necessary. Obviously, you don’t want to replace something that still works, so you only want lock replacement when it is actually needed. There are some situations that warrant lock replacement, and this is usually what you should be looking at – situations, not time frames. You have to be vigilant when it comes to your security. Are you a homeowner that is worried your house could be easily accessed or manipulated by someone who knows how to work around locks? Or maybe you realize your locks look to be falling apart, and you are concerned that someone could easily get into your home.

You could be thinking of replacing locks for different reasons. It might not be a break in that you’re worried about, but something else. Here, we are going to bring light to different situations that might necessitate having your locks replaced. 

It’s good to take note of your security – or lack thereof – and to act on it. Because locks are so important and serve such a chief purpose, you have to pay attention to them. So, when should you replace locks? Is it time that you switch out yours? You can call a locksmith to have them inspect the locks, or you can follow the guidelines offered here…

Replace Locks If Your Property Was Broken Into  

This is a given, and it is a very unfortunate situation. A break in is so difficult and invasive, but you need to act when you realize one has occurred. What if the person damaged your locks and it’s not necessarily visible damage? The fact is, they got into your home, and replacing the locks or adding them to potential entry points like windows is important. The person who broke in could have managed to acquire a copy of your key, too. So, replace locks if your property was broken into.

Replace Locks That Look Damaged

You can spot wear and tear with locks if you check them carefully. Wear and tear can show up in the form of rust or corrosion. It can also show up in the form of loose screws, or a lock that gets jammed. You need to replace locks when they look like they are damaged because the last thing you want is a lock that doesn’t work. When this happens, your property is vulnerable, like in the scenario described above.

Replace Locks When Your Tenant Vacates Your Property

Do you rent a room in your home or perhaps even the basement or loft? Maybe you do this to earn extra income, and this works wonderfully for you. The problem is, what do you do when the person moves out? Do you replace your locks? Even if it was a family member you were renting a room to or someone you trust tremendously, it is a good idea to replace the locks because you don’t know if someone else might have managed to get a copy of their key. This could be the case if they ever hired a contractor, temporarily lost the key, or even gave it to a person they were dating. It’s a good idea to be safe and just replace the locks.

Replace Locks If Keyless Entry Sounds Like A Better Option For You

There are so many cool advancements today – even with security. You can opt to go keyless because you think this is a better option for you. Perhaps you appreciate the idea of using a key code to enter your property. This way, you can save on having to pay to replace locks or make new keys when you have new people coming in who need to access said property. Going keyless might be a very good choice for you. Some systems even allow you to give out temporary codes. Let’s say you have a contractor who will be remodeling your kitchen for the next three weeks. Now, you don’t have to go and make him a copy of your key and you don’t have to worry about replacing locks when he leaves. Because you can give him a code and then change the code or have the code expire once he is finished with the job. This is just one example of how keyless can be beneficial.

Replace Locks If You Purchased A Home

Did you, in recent times, move into a new home? If you did, congratulations! It is always exciting when you move into a new place. You get to have a clean space to decorate and make your own. But you should still think about security.

Here’s what we mean – during the sale process, many people could have gained access to a key. In this case, you don’t know who kept the key. Even the previous owners could still have keys to walk right into your property. Replacing locks can be an easy option that provides you with peace of mind.

As an accountable property owner, you know the importance of keeping security needs as a priority. The situations we have described are all ones that would warrant a lock change. A locksmith can point you in the right direction if you are wondering if this is the right service for you. In addition to replacing your locks and doing the job correctly, they can help you choose the best locks for you.   

When you need your locks replaced get on the phone with 24 Hour Monroe Locksmith serving Monroe, GA. We can replace your locks and provide any guidance you need or tips.
Locks are compulsory when you are talking about or thinking about security. A locksmith can carry out many services, to include lock replacement is needed. Call us or search for one that is near you. 
