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What you can do about ignition cylinder problems!

Ignition cylinder problems can be annoying, terrifying and confusing; all at the same time! You usually don’t discover the problem until you are already in the car, buckled in and ready to go somewhere. Then all of a sudden, the key won’t turn or the car won’t start! Read on and see how you might be able to solve your car’s ignition cylinder dilemma totally on your own! Then, if these tips don’t ‘pay off’ you can call a mobile locksmith serving Monroe, Georgia for help.

There was a time, not so long ago, when ignitions simply started up your engine. Those were simpler times. You turn the key and the car starts. Nowadays, our ignition systems also power up your radio, power seats, GPS system, power windows, air conditioner, heater and more. With more options and functions than ever to power up, your car’s ignition system has a bigger job than ever before.

Stop blaming your ignition!

Remember when you were little and some big kid blamed you for something you didn’t do? Well, that’s probably how an ignition cylinder feels when the transponder key is turned and the engine doesn’t start. It’s all too easy to blame the ignition system and call for repair. The problem with this thinking is that it is not only incorrect; it can cause you unnecessary expense. One of the most common reasons that your ignition won’t start is completely unrelated to it. It’s this; wrong gear.

Wrong gear

It’s uncanny, how many times folks have tried to start their cars unsuccessfully, when the problem all along was that the car was in the wrong gear. We’ve all done it, too. All it takes is for the gear to be off so very slightly and then the key locks into place and the ignition won’t turn. Simply put, the car needs to be in the PARK gear and nothing else. Every year, people are killed and maimed when their vehicles roll over them, when all along they thought that their cars were in PARK when they really weren’t. One thing you must always do; put your car in PARK and put the parking brake on when working on your car or adjusting anything at all with it. Automotive safety precautions only take a few seconds to apply and are well worth it.

Steering wheel check

After you establish that you are in gear, and that is not the problem, then check your steering wheel. Sometimes, they lock into place when leaned upon too hard or when turned a certain way. No need to panic if the steering wheel seems locked. At this point many people call AAA or their car repair shop. No need for any of that. Just firmly move the steering wheel back and forth. This will unlock it and release the ignition key. You should be able to start the car now.

Battery is low

If your car’s battery is low, the ignition system will stop working. The symptoms are the same; locked key and no car starting. Check your battery. It takes all of 20 seconds to do so. Make sure your car is in PARK and that your parking brake is on. Now turn the key enough to see if the windshield wipers or dashboard lights turn on. You can also test by turning up the radio or operating your power window. If these work; it’s not your battery that’s the problem!

Did you insert the right key?

At first, this sounds like a silly question. Why would you insert the wrong one? While you wouldn’t do it on purpose, it is possible to grab the wrong transponder key by accident and insert it into the ignition. This sometimes happens in households or offices where other people also have transponder keys. The wrong one is sometimes selected and if the car is already unlocked, the mistaken key just might go in but get stuck and not come back out. The wrong transponder key also will not turn in the cylinder or start the car engine. If you find that you entered the wrong key, try to remove it without breaking it. You don’t want to have broken key extraction to deal with, too! You can lightly spray electrical contact cleaner on the key followed by a silicon lock lubricant and see if that does the trick. These two sprays combined should be enough to clean the lock and loosen the key. You can also lightly tap the key on the head and see if this action loosens the key enough for removal.

Are you tempted to call a friend for help? Don’t!

We all know someone who “thinks” that they are a mechanic of sorts. This person may be a relative, close friend, neighbor or co-worker. They’ve offered countless times to come over and help you fix your car’s this, or that. Helpfulness is good, but be wary; they just might do more harm than good. Never forget that it’s your car and you alone are responsible for its upkeep and expenses. Sometimes well-meaning persons can make matters worse and not only are relationships strained, but extra costs and wasted time are incurred.

Is it time to call a mechanic? Nope!

After all of the above have failed, you may feel like just calling an auto mechanic and getting this repair over with. Be careful. This may not be a bad decision, but it may not be the best decision, either! You may have tow fees and have to endure long waits at the shop (or trips back and forth). A much better alternative is to work with an experienced mobile automotive locksmith that can work on your ignition cylinder or transponder keys right at your location. Try our tips above and if you still need a locksmith; call one!
