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Transponder Keys, Problems

You likely have heard the term “transponder key” as today, this is a popular key. Transponder keys were created as a security measure and they function as a convenience, too. They were designed to protect your car from theft and they allow you to get into and start your vehicle with ease.

Remember the days when we really didn’t use transponder keys? It certainly wasn’t bad, but without transponder keys, someone skilled could figure out how to steal your car fairly easily. One could just manage to get a copy of your key. It is better that we have transponder keys to prevent this from happening.

First, let’s start with some basics. We will go over what a transponder key is and how it functions before diving into potential problems.

What Is a Transponder Key – How Does It Function?

A transponder key is a key with a transponder inside. There is a transponder chip inside your car key. The metal part of the key must be a perfect match so it fits into your car’s ignition cylinder. The vehicle will not start unless the transponder chip is recognized. The vehicle basically sends a transmission to the transponder chip when the key is placed into the ignition cylinder. It is very tech-savvy. When the transponder chip sends back the right response, which is coded in the chip, everything functions correctly. But in the event that the response is not correct or received, you will be left with a vehicle that does not start. This is a theft deterrent, of course, because the engine control unit, better known as the ECU, will not start if the engine is not receiving the right signal. So what happens if you are the rightful owner of the vehicle, but you don’t have the right key? Or your transponder chip is not functioning or missing? You will be stuck with a vehicle you can’t operate. 24 Hour Monroe Locksmith knows how challenging and frustrating this is!

Common Transponder Key Issues

Transponder chips are electronic devices, as you now know. So like anything else, they can stop working. If you use technology on a day to day basis, you know that eventually problems can arise. Think about when your iPhone decides to fail to turn on, or the screen freezes and you can’t do anything about it. Just like this can happen, a transponder chip can fail to function. What exactly goes wrong? Read on for common transponder key problems:

  • Transponders are sensitive electronic devices, so if you drop it, it can stop working. Typically this won’t happen, but if the fall was hard enough, it certainly can do some damage.
  • If the key gets too wet, the transponder chip may short out.
  • The transponder chip can run out of power. A transponder chip needs electricity. This energy is provided by a battery in the car key. In this case, you might just need battery replacement. No big deal!
  • You may have purchased a new car key and realized it does not function. Or perhaps you made a mistake somewhere along the line. You just need an expert to program the transponder chip, and this is something a locksmith can do.
  • The transponder key fails to work as a result of wear and tear. It happens!

No matter how difficult the problem might appear to be, there tends to always be a solution just a phone call away if you know the right company to call. You might need a copy of your transponder key, but the current key isn’t working. If you know of a good locksmith, it shouldn’t matter. If you are in our service area, be sure to call us for assistance. We offer competitive prices for transponder key duplication and transponder key programming. While the dealership will certainly be able to help you, you will likely appreciate if a locksmith can offer better.

Call a Locksmith For Help!

They should be able to work on any make or model. Locksmiths can work to make sure your transponder key works how it is supposed to. One of our locksmiths can come to you and duplicate your transponder key or reprogram it for you. Of course, locksmiths can replace transponder batteries if need be. They can make sure your transponder chip is recognized by your specific car. We highly recommend saving the contact information of a locksmith who offers automotive solutions in your location. This will help you in the event that you are stuck on the side of the road. You will want to get help fast. Do this in advance so if you are stuck on the side of the road or in a parking lot, unable to start your vehicle, you won’t be stuck for too long.

Hopefully you have found the provided information on transponder key problems to be helpful. Remember that you have a few options, and you should make sure to keep your transponder keys where you can find them. It’s always good to have a spare so if you lose one, you won’t be stuck!
